

  • 寒天パウダー 2g
  • 桃のシロップ 200ml
  • ワイン(赤、白またはロゼ)大さじ1


  1. なべに寒天パウダーとシロップ、ワインを入れる。
  2. スプーンなどでまぜ、弱火にかける。
  3. 沸騰したら、そのまま2分間沸騰させる。
  4. 容器にうつす。
  5. 固める。常温でも固まるが、冷蔵庫に入れるのもよし。
  6. 固まったら、食べやすい大きさにカットする。
  7. 寒天とヨーグルト、桃のコンポートをグラスに盛る。

→ 寒天(水を使った基本のレシピ) 





  • 寒天パウダー 4g
  • 水 500ml


  1. なべに寒天パウダーと水を入れる。
  2. スプーンなどでまぜ、弱火にかける。
  3. 沸騰したら、そのまま2分間沸騰させる。
  4. 容器にうつす。
  5. 固める。常温でも固まるが、冷蔵庫に入れるのもよし。
  6. 固まったら、食べやすい大きさにカットする。


Our Materials

We use various woods in our bracelets that are a staple of traditional Japanese Juzu making:

Shitan – 紫檀

Known in the west as red sandalwood or indian rosewood, it has a very fragrant and dense grain with a deep red hue. It has been used for centuries to make fine cabinetry, buddhist statues and jewelery in China and Japan. It’s hardness and inherent flavor makes it a favorite for use in Juzu as holding it against skin gives it a deep lustre without damaging it.

Ryokudan – 緑檀

Also known as green sandalwood, it has similar properties to Shitan, also with a strong fragrance, but with a green hue.

Kokutan – 黒檀

The most well known in the west, ebony. With a very dark and almost black hue, it is also denser and heavier than the previous two woods. It is often used in soroban (abacus) and heftier juzu bracelets as it is more shock resistant.

ŌTAMA Kokutan
ŌTAMA Kokutan




  • 塩こうじ 小さじ1
  • 胡椒 少々
  • オリーブオイル 大さじ3
  • ホワイトヴィネガー 大さじ3


  1. 材料をすべてまぜる。
  2. サラダにまわしかける。






  • 米こうじ 200g
  • 60度のお湯 300cc
  • 塩 60g




  1. 米こうじを清潔な空き瓶にうつす。
  2. 準備しておいた60℃の塩水を瓶に注ぎ、清潔なスプーンでまぜる。
  3. ビンに蓋をして、常温保存でしばらく発酵させる。
  4. 米麹にとって、1番よい環境は水分が多すぎず、少なすぎずある状態。塩水を注いでから6時間から12時間したら、様子を見て、水分を減らしたり、足したりして調節する。
  5. 1日に1度スプーンでまぜる。夏の暑い季節は5日ほど、冬のような寒い季節は7日間ほど毎日続ける。
  6. ほんの少し味見をして、塩っ辛い味ではなく、甘さを感じたら、もう使えます。
  7. 冷蔵庫で保存してください。



We made the jam Kawachi-bankan. This is a Japanese grapefruit, it’s very big size, so I cannot hold it in one hand.

Taste is very good ? but quite different from the standard grapefruit, much more mellow. They are pesticide-free, so we can eat everything, even the skin ?

Small recipe ? Kawachi-bankan ? jam

Ingredients (for 2 big jars)

  • Kawachi-bankan (Peels and fruits) … 600g
  • Cane sugar … 200g
  • White wine … 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice … 1 tablespoons
  • Pectin … 2 teaspoons (if you need it)


  1. Put in the peels in hot water for about 15 minutes. Then pick them out and place them in cold water for about 30 minutes.
  2. Put the peels and fruits in a pot with sugar and cover with water, then cook over low heat.
  3. Once heated, add the white wine, pectin and lemon juice.
  4. Stir constantly and when it gets to your preferred jam consistency, it’s time to ladle into a clean jar very carefully.
  5. Cover and let cool completely at the room temperature.

If you like the spicy taste, you can add ginger too. Add a spoonful in a glass of carbonated water to make your original ginger ale.

? Unohana ?



  • しいたけの薄切り3個分
  • にんじんの千切り1/2本分
  • 菜種油小さじ1


  • おから280g
  • だし醤油大さじ3
  • きび砂糖大さじ1


  • みょうがの千切り3個分
  • ねぎの千切り1/3本分



  1. フライパンに☆を入れて、よく炒める
  2. ★を1.に入れて、水気がなくなるまで炒める
  3. 火を止めて、薬味のみょうがのみじん切りとネギの千切りを入れて混ぜ合わせる



Designing new bracelets

We’ve been hard at work designing an extension to our line of precious stone bracelets and they are now live in the shop.

Inspired by traditional 数珠 (juzu) buddhist prayer beads or meditation bracelets but with a modern everyday look. We’ve added two new 3-loops bracelets which combine precious stones and precious woods for a nice contrast on your wrist and a slightly lighter wear:

OMAKASE Raisin Azuki
Pink grape-like agates and rosewood that looks like azuki beans
OMAKASE Natural Uguisu
Green agates and deep olive colored hard wood (緑壇)

We also added single loop versions with all stones and a single larger bead of wood which are perfect for a lower key look.

OMAKASE Natural – single loop

Of course, these are all handmade by our partner artisans in their workshop in Kyoto, Japan and are available in various sizes from XS to L.

Aoyama Golden Ginkgo Trees

A beautiful sunny Friday outing to see the ginkgo trees (イチョウ) in Aoyama Jingu Gaien park (神宮外苑)

It’s a 300 meter long avenue planted with tall ginkgo trees on both side, leading to the imposing Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery building at the end.

During the second part of November, when the leaves turn a bright gold color, the avenue is closed to cars to let visitors walk freely. Many events, such as beer gardens, are also organized during that time.

We decided to skip the beers and crowds and go to a new spot a few minutes walk south of there, closer to the Aoyama cemetery (青山霊園), called SHARE GREEN AOYAMA.

A wide green grass area surrounded by a good coffee roastery, a flower and plants shop and plenty of tables and chairs for lounging in the sun.



Japan Less Traveled Spots – Gifu Castle

Back to our trip to Gifu prefecture last month, I’d like to present you a little excursion to the Gifu Castle (岐阜城) in Gifu city.

In the middle of the city there is a small mountain called mount Kinka (金華山) and the castle was first built in the 16th century at the very top.

At night it is illuminated and seems to float in the heavens above the city.

There is a ropeway to get to the top of the mountain although hiking seems to also be a popular activity. When we were there the trees had just started taking their autumn colors.

As you climb the last few meters from the ropeway station, you are presented with beautiful views of this white and gold castle. We were very surprised that it is actually much smaller than it looks from the city. What magic is that?

As an additional treat, right outside the ropeway station is Risu-mura (リス村 – squirrel village), a small attraction where you can pay 200 yen and spend as much time as you like feeding dozens of Japanese forest squirrels while taking as many photos, videos and selfies as you like!

That was a lot of fun!
