A beautiful sunny Friday outing to see the ginkgo trees (イチョウ) in Aoyama Jingu Gaien park (神宮外苑)

It’s a 300 meter long avenue planted with tall ginkgo trees on both side, leading to the imposing Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery building at the end.

During the second part of November, when the leaves turn a bright gold color, the avenue is closed to cars to let visitors walk freely. Many events, such as beer gardens, are also organized during that time.

We decided to skip the beers and crowds and go to a new spot a few minutes walk south of there, closer to the Aoyama cemetery (青山霊園), called SHARE GREEN AOYAMA.

A wide green grass area surrounded by a good coffee roastery, a flower and plants shop and plenty of tables and chairs for lounging in the sun.



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